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Electric high-speed drives with magnetic bearings offer significant technical and economic advantages for gas compression and pipeline operation. Compressors with magnetic bearings and dry gas seals have been successfully used for more than a decade. These installations have demonstrated that the elimination of the compressor lube oil system results in increased availability and is economically viable. Nevertheless, as long as a lube oil system is still necessary for the driver or for a gearbox the benefits of an oil-free operation such as increased safety and increased availability cannot be fully exploited. Electric high-speed drives do not require a gearbox. In combination with the use of magnetic bearings such drives allow the elimination of the entire lube oil system resulting in a dry rotor string. The elimination of the gearbox and of the drive lube oil system results in increased efficiency and increased availability. This leads to reduced operation and maintenance cost. Furthermore, such electric high-speed drives can easily be adjusted to specific requirements, allow a wide operating range and thus the pipeline operation can be optimized. High efficiency, oil-free operation and no emissions make electric high-speed drives the most environmental friendly compressor drive.

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Booktitle: Proceedings of ISMB7