Basic Study on Gyroscopic Sensor using Active Magnetic Bearing
The paper proposes to apply a five degree-of-freedom active magnetic bearing (AMB) for developing compact, multi-axis, high-accuracy and low-cost gyroscopic sensors. In the proposed sensor, angular velocity and acceleration are measured based on the control signal for maintaining the relative position of the shaft to the stator in the AMB. It works as a two-axis gyroscopic sensor and also as a three-axis servo-type accelerometer so that the cost performance of the proposed sensor is expected to be high enough. In order to investigate its feasibility, several basic studies are carried out with a conventional-size AMB.
Author: Yutaka Maruyama and Masaya Takasaki and Yuji Ishino and Takeshi Mizuno and Takayuki Ishigami and Hironori Kameno | Published: 2006
Booktitle: Proceedings of ISMB10
Booktitle: Proceedings of ISMB10